Baseline Assessment
To support ocean planning in the Northeast, a Baseline Assessment summarizes available information about natural resources and human uses while also conducting new analysis to characterize the region’s coastal and ocean economy. This document draws upon information from the Northeast Ocean Data Portal and provides links to more in-depth sources of information. Importantly, the Baseline Assessment informed development of the Northeast Ocean Plan.
Readers can either download the entire Baseline Assessment (PDF) (173pp, 5.7M) or use the following links to access different sections of the document, including related maps:
Section 3. Resources and Infrastructure
Describes marine and coastal natural resources, cultural resources, infrastructure, and population trends in the Northeast.
Section 4. Coastal and Marine Economy
Describes employment and GDP contribution, commercial fishing and aquaculture, recreation and tourism, marine transportation, manufacturing and construction, energy and minerals, national security, and research and education.
Section 5. Mapping Resources to Economic Value Generation
Describes what is known about links between Northeast marine resources and value generation as well as ecosystem services that contribute to the well-being of residents and visitors.
Section 6. Future Trends
Describes climate change and the effects on sea surface temperatures, salinity, pH and related ocean acidification as well as demographic changes expected for the Northeast.