Three working sessions for members of the energy sector in New England were held in December 2012. These sessions focused on: 1) offshore wind, 2) marine hydrokinetic, and 3) gas and infrastructure.
The purpose of these sessions was to learn more about key issues facing these components of the energy sector in New England, anticipated changes in coming years, and the potential role of regional ocean planning to address issues and opportunities. The working sessions focused on several key topics: permitting and governmental coordination, data needs, and other sector-specific challenges. Summaries from these working sessions (PDF) (23pp, 618K) are available.
Drawing on these conversations and other information, an energy expert prepared a white paper summarizing the state of the energy sector in the region, with a focus on the marine component. In 2015, this white paper was updated to reflect changes since 2013.
Industry representatives have also reviewed maps of existing energy-related infrastructure. Ocean planning staff have revised draft maps, incorporating industry suggestions and changes, for inclusion in the Data Portal.
The maps, data sets, and white papers created during this process will feed into the ocean planning process being implemented by the Northeast Regional Planning Body.